Saturday, December 23, 2023
Merry Christmas!
I hope you have a blessed, wonderful Christmas.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
End Of The Year Sale

Also keep watch for a surprise later in the week.
Friday, March 10, 2023
Amazon Drops Print Magazines
I have to wonder why, and how much longer they will continue to offer electronic versions. Or if this is a simple push for more people to go electronic. The sad thing is many of the print magazines I subscribed to through Amazon didn't have electronic versions.
I used their system to buy many different magazines over the years, and even sent gift subscriptions to others. Their system was the best I had ever used with its built in reminder, ease renewal, or cancellation. Years ago when dealing directly with a publisher, more than once I received TWO magazines instead of a renewal to my subscription. It often took several phone calls to get that straightened out. I never once had a issue with the any subscription placed through Amazon.
It is a real shame they are shutting this down. There are quite a few magazines I never would have found if it wasn't for Amazon. This service will be missed.